Opening statement to Senate Estimates

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson opening statement to Senate Estimates

It is often said that small business is the engine room of the economy. We must ensure that small and family business can fire on all cylinders – not have a cylinder taken out.

The federal budget offers targeted support to ease current pain points and headwinds, but small and family businesses will not be punching the air with excitement, thinking the budget is a real game changer for them.

TRANSCRIPT: Don't be a 3G switch-off casualty

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson interview with Dusty Fitzpatrick.

2BS Bathurst

Subject: Don’t be a 3G switch-off casualty

Dusty Fitzpatrick

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson has urged small, family and farming businesses to make sure they're not caught out by the 3G switch-off happening in August and September. Bruce joins us now, good afternoon. 

OP-ED: Too many small businesses are hurt by not being in the 'in-crowd'

Originally published in the Canberra Times on Monday, 27 May 2024.

Bruce Billson

Winning a government contract can be life-changing for a small business. As all businesses know, there is no substitute for good customers.

The Australian government procured goods and services worth $75 billion in 2022-23. Despite making up 97 per cent of all businesses, small business suppliers accounted for only $8 billion, or 11 per cent, by value.

MEDIA RELEASE: Small business Ombudsman's guide to using social media securely

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, has released a guide for small businesses using social media as their business platform, with tips to reduce the chances of being hacked.

“Using social media can be a valuable way to grow and increase awareness of your business with existing and potential new customers, but there are important precautions that must be taken” Mr Billson said.

Small business needs certainty

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, is urging Federal Parliament to give certainty to small business about two crucial tax breaks announced in last year’s budget.

“Time is running out with just six weeks until the end of the financial year for small business to claim these deductions, but they still don’t know if they’re allowed to make the claims,” Mr Billson said.

“We’re hearing from confused small businesses who just want certainty.”