The Dairy Industry Code (the Code) is a mandatory code to improve the clarity, transparency and fairness of trading arrangements between parties to a milk supply agreement within the dairy industry. The Code took effect on 1 January 2020 and only applies to contracts entered or amended on or after this date.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) regulate, monitor and investigate breaches of the Code. You can find more information about the Code and their role on the ACCC’s website.
The ASBFEO can provide you with information on the Code, options to resolve any disputes with access to mediation and/or arbitration services. The Code states that parties must act in good faith. This means parties must act honestly, and not arbitrarily, with each other and cooperate to resolve the dispute.
The Code states that the parties may use any appropriate dispute resolution process they choose to resolve dairy disputes, including mediation and/or arbitration as set out in the Code.
We can also help parties in dispute outside of this Code by guiding them through a dispute resolution process and assisting with alternative dispute resolution services.