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17 Nov 2021 Media Releases
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson has congratulated the winners of the Western Sydney Women Awards, many of whom are outstanding small and family business owners.
15 Nov 2021 Media Releases
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson is proud to support this year’s Outstanding Western Sydney Women Awards to be hosted on 16 November 2021.
14 Nov 2021 News
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell welcomes the announcement by the Treasurer to introduce an Australian Business…
12 Nov 2021 Media Releases
State Small Business Commissioners and the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman have met.
25 Oct 2021 Media Releases
Small business owners and leaders have every right to be frustrated by the Reserve Bank’s review of...
20 Oct 2021 Media Releases
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, has today released an interim report into the insurance crisis facing Australia’s amusement, leisure, and recreation sector.
19 Oct 2021 Media Releases
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, has extended the deadline for a survey of women who own and lead businesses.
14 Oct 2021 Media Releases
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, has strongly backed a call from the Inspector-General of Taxation for the Australian Taxation Office to more consistently and transparently inform taxpayers of their right to…
01 Oct 2021 Media Releases
Businesses with Commonwealth government contracts will have to pay their small business sub-contractors within 20 days or risk fines and penalties under new laws starting today.
23 Sep 2021 Media Releases
The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Bruce Billson today welcomed the announcement by...